AMLAN 10 Sample Reports

Consolidated Ledger - Chart of Accounts Reports
The Chart of Accounts Reports provide detailed information on the GL Account IDs and GL account distribution for the allocation GL Account IDs. These reports are useful in reviewing details of your posting and allocation GL Account IDs. Each of these reports is especially designed to provide several options so you can narrow down data to the specific information needed. Each report is presented in various formats.

Read the information below to get a closer look at each of the Chart of Accounts Reports available in AccountMate.
Account Listing

The Account Listing report provides information on an updated list of your company's GL Account IDs as of the report date and gives the details of each GL Account ID. This report is useful for checking completeness of each GL Account ID and tracking of any modifications made. It can also be used as reference for posting transactions to appropriate GL Account IDs.

You can select to include the cash flow 1 & 2 categories, and ratio group in this report.

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Automatic Account Distribution Setup

The Automatic Account Distribution Setup report provides details on the distribution accounts currently set up for the allocation GL Account IDs. It lists the allocation GL Account IDs for which you can specify amounts for automatic distribution and shows the GL Account IDs to which those amounts are distributed. This report is useful for identifying allocation GL Account IDs and determining the percentage rates used when recording amounts for allocation. It can also be used as reference for updating the allocation GL Account IDs.

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